
Showing posts from September, 2019

Legion's Last: Chapter One

Let me speak to you of us. We are nine, all told, and have the grand honour of being living memory. Our brothers are dead, or have crossed the rubicon and been reborn. We have not. We cannot, or choose not to, but nevertheless, we are all that is left of a grand history that has stood against the dark for more than ten thousand years. There are those that stand with us that bear our names, our symbols, our colours, but they are not us. We stand as relics among their vitality, their brightness, their... innocence. We are the Legion's Last. The midday rush had finally petered out and, at last, the bar was mercifully quiet. He'd sent the kitchen staff and the servers to get themselves something to eat, to enjoy an hour away from work. The sounds of the street outside seemed so distant, so inconsequential. He was alone in here, as far away from the troubles of the Galaxy as one could hope to be. Teso sighed, and smiled. He walked around the room, calmly cleaning up glasses

Better Vehicles in 8th Ed 40k

The purpose of these rules is to make vehicles in 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 more interesting to play on the tabletop without sacrificing too much of the simplicity of the current ruleset. These rules will modify the way vehicles work in four key ways: Facing Weaponry Armour Walkers In the current rules, vehicle facing, e.g. the direction any given vehicle is pointing, is not an issue. While this does make the game very quick to play, it also makes traditional considerations of armoured combat, such as relative armour thickness and the way weaponry is mounted, irrelevant. As such, vehicles rarely feel like vehicles, instead feelings no different from a monstrous creature. The solution, then, is to reintroduce facing. In these rules, facing is intended to affect how easy or hard it is to damage a vehicle, and what directions weapons equipped on said vehicle may shoot in. These rules also acknowledge that the current ruleset has enabled conversions that drastically alter

Why Space Marines Need To Be Male

(Quick note, this is another tumblr post I've gone back and edited and put on here.) I mentioned on my tumblr, briefly, in a response to a reader letter in an issue of White Dwarf, that I had a reason for why I think there shouldn't be female Space Marines. Just so we’re totally clear by Space Marine I mean specifically Warhammer 40,000’s Adeptus Astartes, I’m not saying Pvt. Vasquez or Samus or whomever shouldn't exist. I think it is very important that the Adeptus Astartes should be male, and it isn't anything to do with the game’s fictional reason for why this is so. In 40k, only men get to be Space Marines, or rather, only boys. They are taken at a young age, in pre-or early puberty, and physically and mentally made into killing machines. The fiction justifies why it’s only boys that get taken because of some vague notion of the process requiring ‘male’ hormonal development. Gimme your trans takes on this, I crave them. But, for the sake of brevity and to ho